This Post is a difficult one, i found out that my My middle son has been lieing to me for months, I am so hurt and disappointed in him right now because i was always the one who would stand up for him when he got into trouble, I stood by him when he went to prison when no one was there for him, I have helped him and his new wife during there time of need, given them the benifit of doubt when people told me they were doing wrong, I even believed the lie when my grandaughter had opiates in her system at birth that it was prescribed to her mom, Only to find out new years eve my son and daughter in law are both addicted to opiates, lie to get money, took all the Christmas gifts back to stores or sold and pawn them to get drugs they have been injecting vicodin,percocets,oxycontin,into there veins between the fingers and toes so it was not visable to our eyes , I am so upset over this especially knowing that they had my 2 month old grand dughter in the car during a snowstorm and shooting drugs in there veins on the side of the road. He promised he would never inject needles into himself so he went around it and had his wife do it for him because he does not like to do it to himself. I fear for his life at this point, she was a past addict but assured us she was clean ,he said he only had an addiction to alcohol. it was under control, I feel so helpless and heart sick because all I can do is pray right now.
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